Applying for a Bursary to DebConf

There are a few different types of bursary available for DebConf, funded from different budgets:

Debian funded Bursaries

Any member of the Debian community is welcome to request a bursary (sponsorship) to attend DebConf. As in previous years, we will do our best to offer sponsored food and accommodation to Debian contributors, but this assistance is subject to demand and available funding.

If you are applying for a travel bursary

We need to decide how to spend a limited amount of money in a way that maximizes the benefit to the Debian project. This shouldn’t discourage you from applying, but please give us the information we need to make good decisions. In these instructions “tell us” refers to filling in the “details of my bursary request” box on the registration form.

If you are applying for a bursary for accommodation or food

We’re looking at to get a rough idea of your activity in the last few years. If you’re happy with the picture that gives, then you don’t have to tell us anything more.

If you want, you can tell us more about your recent activity in Debian, or your plans for the near future.

Everyone who is granted travel bursaries will also be granted funding for accommodation and/or food if they ask for it. So if you provided information above, just make sure you checked the right boxes. Note that if you told us you “Absolutely cannot attend” DebConf without a travel bursary, we’ll assume you only need accommodation and/or food if the travel bursary is granted.

If you are applying for a bursary for accommodation or food for DebCamp, make sure you tell us (in the “Details of my bursary request” box) your plans for DebCamp. DebCamp is intended for focused work on Debian; please emphasize in what way (e.g. opportunities for collaboration and/or solitude) being at DebCamp will help you get things done you wouldn’t otherwise do.

Diversity Bursaries

The goal of Diversity Sponsorships is to bring new people to DebConf — people just getting started in free software or with Debian, contributors who are making non-coding contributions, and contributors who are trying to make it to their first DebConf. If you’re interested in being considered for a diversity sponsorship, please tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to come to DebConf:

We would especially like to hear from:

Full diversity sponsorships will provide approximately $ 2 780 (CAD) / € 2 000 (EUR) / $ 2 270 (USD). Accommodation and food are paid for, out of this, as well as travel.